insu­late naturally

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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Anka Unger, Robby Fitzner und Bernd Unger

We are an inno­va­tive com­pany that deve­lops natural wood-fibre insu­la­tion pro­ducts to pro­mote healthy, envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly, accom­mo­da­tion. Founded in 1989 by the Dipl. Ing. Bernd Unger, today it is a medium-sized family busi­ness in the second generation.

As early as 1991, the com­pany founder, Bernd Unger, deve­loped the first wood-fibre insu­la­tion system for façades that was sui­table for direct ren­de­ring. That is why we include the words “The Ori­ginal” in our logo. With his pio­nee­ring work for health-pro­mo­ting resi­den­tial con­s­truc­tion and the deve­lo­p­ment of the pro­duct Dif­fu­therm from Unger, the foun­da­tion stone was laid for a series of ongoing deve­lo­p­ments. This is reflected to the pre­sent day in the high qua­lity stan­dards of the company.

The over 70,000 com­pleted con­s­truc­tion pro­jects with satis­fied deve­lo­pers, archi­tects and tradesmen are the proof of the excel­lent qua­lity and high per­for­mance of our UdiWOOD-FIBRE.

We have more than 26 years of expe­ri­ence as a system pro­vider and manu­fac­turer of a whole range of envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly, inno­va­tive, natural wood-fibre insu­la­tion sys­tems. Our patented pro­ducts are used to insu­late façades, the inte­rior side of external walls, dry­wall con­s­truc­tions and roofs.

Through our rese­arch on a wide range of mate­rials and the expe­ri­ence gained from their prac­tical appli­ca­tion, we con­ti­nuously develop and manu­fac­ture addi­tional com­plete system solu­tions with fully coor­di­nated mate­rial com­bi­na­tions e.g. Udi­RECO®UdiSPEED®UdiIN 2CM®, for our cus­to­mers. Soft­wood fibres, with their unbeatable natural pro­per­ties, are the basis for all our products.

Our qua­li­fied field repre­sen­ta­tives and our tech­ni­cally expert in-house team gua­rantee that you receive com­pe­tent advice on our pro­ducts and their appli­ca­tions. Our strength is our ability to pro­vide on-site sup­port from the plan­ning phase to the project’s com­ple­tion.
UNGER-DIFFUTHERM has a stream­lined, fle­xible and effi­cient orga­ni­sa­tional struc­ture. We strive to com­mu­ni­cate with our cus­to­mers as equals. Our highly pro­fes­sional advi­sory ser­vices and short reac­tion times assure an optimal level of cus­tomer care.

Qua­lity is our top prio­rity. That is why the trai­ning courses for tradesmen (pain­ters, plas­te­rers, stucco plas­te­rers, dry­wall buil­ders, car­pen­ters and many others) to become a licensed Udi­Cer­ti­fied Installer are held in our own pre­mises. This brings tog­e­ther the cumu­la­tive theo­re­tical and prac­tical exper­tise of our tradesmen and thereby a unique market posi­tion and increased on-site con­s­truc­tion quality.

Unger-Dif­fu­therm stands for health-pro­mo­ting, natural insu­la­tion system solu­tions for increased living qua­lity in your own four walls. You don’t see our mate­rials after they have been installed but you will notice their effects when slee­ping, working or just in the course of your daily lives at home. Incre­asing num­bers of people are taking their respon­si­bi­lity for the future seriously and insu­la­ting their pro­per­ties with sus­tainable, inno­va­tive insu­la­tion systems.

„He who chooses the begin­ning of the road chooses the place it leads to.“
Harry Emerson Fosdick

Head­quar­ters Udi Ober­froh­naer Straße 2, 09117 Chemnitz

Foun­ding Member of the VDNR

Bun­des­ver­band Infrarot-Hei­zung e.V.

Logo von Fachverband Innendämmung e.V.

Fach­ver­band Innen­däm­mung e.V.