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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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A spe­ci­ally desi­gned coa­ting system for Udi thermal insu­la­tion for con­den­sa­tion-free inte­rior insulation.


A mineral adhe­sive-, filler- and rein­for­cing mortar.

UdiLIVE® Inte­rior Coatings

High qua­lity loam paint for inte­rior appli­ca­tions. Sui­table for internal wall insu­la­tion as well as all other substrates.



UdiLIVE® Inte­rior Coatings

A spe­ci­ally desi­gned coa­ting system for Udi thermal insu­la­tion for con­den­sa­tion-free inte­rior insulation.

A mineral adhe­sive-, filler- and rein­for­cing mortar.

High qua­lity loam paint for inte­rior appli­ca­tions. Sui­table for internal wall insu­la­tion as well as all other substrates.

UdiCOLOR Colour Card

Our colours, high qua­lity ren­ders and plas­ters are manu­fac­tured from high qua­lity natural resources and are sub­ject to qua­lity manage­ment procedures.

UdiCOLOR Colour Card

Our colours, high qua­lity ren­ders and plas­ters are manu­fac­tured from high qua­lity natural resources and are sub­ject to qua­lity manage­ment procedures.



A mineral adhe­sive-, filler- and rein­for­cing mortar.

UdiSILANO® Silicon fine qua­lity plaster system

Highly dif­fu­sion-per­meable and capil­lary-active. Recom­mended for façades sub­ject to severe wear and cli­mate con­di­tions. Machine-appli­ca­tion compatible.

UdiORGATO® Organic fine qua­lity plaster system

This ready-to-use system is machine-appli­ca­tion com­pa­tible. Available in a com­pre­hen­sive range of bril­liant colour tones.


UdiSILANO® Silicon fine qua­lity plaster system

UdiORGATO® Organic fine qua­lity plaster system

A mineral adhe­sive-, filler- and rein­for­cing mortar

Highly dif­fu­sion-per­meable and capil­lary-active. Recom­mended for façades sub­ject to severe wear and cli­mate con­di­tions. Machine-appli­ca­tion compatible.

This ready-to-use system is machine-appli­ca­tion com­pa­tible. Available in a com­pre­hen­sive range of bril­liant colour tones.

UdiSIKATO® Sili­cate fine qua­lity plaster system 

Ready to use and espe­ci­ally highly open-dif­fu­sion and vapour-per­meable, fine qua­lity, plaster system based upon natural sodium sili­cate. Machine-appli­ca­tion compatible.

UdiMIRALO® Mineral fine qua­lity plaster system

A classic plaster system com­prised of spe­ci­ally sel­ected, natural, mineral com­pon­ents. Mate­rials are dry-packed. They can be applied using con­ti­nuous-flow mixers or spiral pumps.

UdiPERL® Struc­tured fine qua­lity plaster

Fine qua­lity plaster system for Udi­Wood-Fibre Insu­la­tion Boards with 15 year gua­rantee. Machine-appli­ca­tion com­pa­tible. White and coloured tones.

UdiSIKATO® Sili­cate fine qua­lity plaster system

UdiMIRALO® Mineral fine qua­lity plaster system

UdiPERL® Struc­tured fine qua­lity plaster

Ready to use and espe­ci­ally highly open-dif­fu­sion and vapour-per­meable, fine qua­lity, plaster system based upon natural sodium sili­cate. Machine-appli­ca­tion compatible.

A classic plaster system com­prised of spe­ci­ally sel­ected, natural, mineral com­pon­ents. Mate­rials are dry-packed. They can be applied using con­ti­nuous-flow mixers or spiral pumps.

Edel­putz­system für Holz­fa­ser­platten von Unger mit GARANTIEPAKET 15 Jahre. Maschi­nen­gängig. Weiß und farbig.

UdiCLEAN® Algae removal

An extre­mely envi­ron­men­tally-fri­endly and sus­tainable system to pro­vide effec­tive pro­tec­tion against algae and mould growth.

UdiBASE® for the buil­ding plinth area

Udi­BASE® Base Water­pro­ofing Slurry is used for water­pro­ofing buil­dings in base­ments and base­ment areas against ground mois­ture, see­page water and ground­water in inte­rior and exte­rior areas. 

UdiCOLOR Colour Card 

Our colours, high qua­lity ren­ders and plas­ters are manu­fac­tured from high qua­lity natural resources and are sub­ject to qua­lity manage­ment procedures.

UdiCLEAN® Algae removal

UdiBASE® for the buil­ding plinth area

UdiCOLOR Colour Card

An extre­mely envi­ron­men­tally-fri­endly and sus­tainable system to pro­vide effec­tive pro­tec­tion against algae and mould growth.

Udi­BASE® Base Water­pro­ofing Slurry is used for water­pro­ofing buil­dings in base­ments and base­ment areas against ground mois­ture, see­page water and ground­water in inte­rior and exte­rior areas. 

Our colours, high qua­lity ren­ders and plas­ters are manu­fac­tured from high qua­lity natural resources and are sub­ject to qua­lity manage­ment procedures.