insu­late naturally

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiMULTIGRUND® Base Coat func­tions as a vapour bar­rier on the internal face of the insu­la­tion and rest­ricts the level of mois­ture within the insu­la­tion layers. It also regu­lates any instal­la­tion-related mois­ture con­tained within the insu­la­tion boards.

Only  UdiMULTIGRUND® Base Coat is the most important internal water vapour retar­ding com­po­nent of the UdiIN RECO®UdiCLIMATE® and UdiIN® insu­la­tion sys­tems. It gua­ran­tees the long-las­ting qua­lity of the insu­la­tion system.

This mineral coa­ting com­bines the func­tions of mate­rial-bearer and vapour retarder in one. It can be used for ren­de­ring and rein­force­ment, as a mate­rial-bearer for fine plas­ters, paint coats, wall­pa­pers etc. The vapour bar­rier effect is depen­dent upon the coa­ting thic­k­ness. Please follow the detailed appli­ca­tion instructions.