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insu­late naturally

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UdiRECO® Insu­la­tion board with level­ling compensation

The wood fibre insu­la­tion board UdiRECO® is offered as a system solu­tion and can be used for both internal insu­la­tion (System UdiIN RECO®) and external insu­la­tion (System Udi­RECO®). It can also be used as cellar cei­ling insulation.

The insu­la­tion board with inte­grated level­ling com­pen­sa­tion. Sui­table for direct rendering.

UdiRECO wood-fibre insu­la­tion boards are sui­table for direct ren­de­ring, have opti­mized lambda values and pro­vide wind-proof, inte­grated, level­ling com­pen­sa­tion for uneven surfaces. 
  • In com­bi­na­tion with our new adjus­table fixings, it saves time and effort in the level­ling of the sub­strate surface
  • Adapts itself to uneven sur­faces within a range of +/- 2 cm
  • Tongue and groove around the whole circumference
  • Sound-absor­bing and vapour-permeable
UdiRECOwood-fibre insu­la­tion boards are offered as a system solution. 
  • Façade insu­la­tion
  • Inte­rior insulation
  • Insu­la­ting the cei­lings of cellars


Thic­k­nesses80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 mm
Format130×79 cm
Appa­rent densityca. 50-55 // 270 kg/m³
Thermal con­duc­ti­vity
Declared value λD0.038 // 0.048 W/mK
Design value λ0.039 // 0.050 W/mK
Spe­cific enthalpy capa­city c2100 J/kgK
Water vapour dif­fu­sion resis­tance coef­fi­cient µ1/2 // 5


Insu­la­tion board Udi­RECO for inte­rior insulation

Insu­la­tion board Udi­RECO for external insulation