insu­late naturally

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiTHERM® NF for living areas with higher floor-loa­ding requirements 

A patented wood-fibre, sand­wich struc­ture, insu­la­tion board. For façade insu­la­tion or inte­rior insu­la­tion. Sui­table for ren­de­ring on both sides. Dif­fe­rent board layer den­si­ties for an opti­mised structure.

  • Tongue and groove edges around the whole circumference.
  • Sound absor­bent and vapour-permeable

UdiDÄMMSYSTEME NF Wood-fibre insu­la­tion boards are offered as com­plete system solutions.

Areas of appli­ca­tion include:

  • Façade insu­la­tion
  • Inte­rior insulation
  • Insu­la­ting the cei­lings of cellars


Thic­k­nesses:60, 80, 100, 120 mm
Format:130×79 cm
Appa­rent density:ca. 210 kg/m³
Thermal con­duc­ti­vity
Declared value λD:0.043 W/mK
Design value λ:0.045 W/mK
Spe­cific enthalpy capa­city c:2100 J/kgK
Water vapour dif­fu­sion resis­tance coef­fi­cient µ:5