insu­late naturally

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiTHERM® Strong for som­mer­cial appli­ca­tions and under screed

Ver­sa­tile, pres­sure-resistant wood-fibre insu­la­tion board with a flat, smooth edge around the whole cir­cum­fe­rence. For roofs and floors.

  • Vapour-per­meable
  • Pres­sure-resistant
  • Improved heat shiel­ding in the summer
  • Eco­lo­gi­cally harm­less, envi­ron­men­tally-fri­endly and recyclable


Thic­k­nesses:20, 40, 60, 80 und 100 mm
 Format:135 x 60 cm
Components:Nadel­holz­fa­sern, ca. 2,5 % PVAc-Weiss­leim zur Ver­bin­dung der Plat­ten­schichten (ab 40 mm)
Spe­cific enthalpy capa­city c:2100 J/ kg/ K
Thermal con­duc­ti­vi­ty­De­clared value λD:0,048 W/mK 
Design value λ:0,050 W/mK
Appa­rent density:ca. 250 kg/m³
Com­pres­sive strength:≥ 150 kPa