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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiUNGER-DIF­FU­THERM® NF Wood-fibre, sand­wich-layer insu­la­tion board


High qua­lity, render-bea­ring wood-fibre insu­la­tion board with our tried-and-tested, ther­mally opti­mised sand­wich struc­ture. For our Buil­ding Inspec­to­rate approved com­po­site thermal insu­la­tion sys­tems UdiFRONT® SYSTEM and UdiIN® SYSTEM.

These boards offer a pro­fes­sional, vapour-per­meable solu­tion for the external insu­la­tion of masonry walls and for timber con­s­truc­tions such as half-tim­bered buil­dings, timber-framed and panelled buil­dings, solid timber buil­dings and also for the internal insu­la­tion of exte­rior walls.

The per­ma­nent func­tion­a­lity of the wood-fibre boards is only gua­ran­teed when used in con­junc­tion with all the rele­vant and spe­ci­ally coor­di­nated UdiCOATINGS and UdiACCESSORIES from our pro­duct range. Our sys­tems pro­vide an all-round pro­tec­tion for every masonry or timber-built buil­ding. The inge­nious sand­wich struc­ture pro­vides for a vapour-per­meable, sound insu­la­ting and cli­mate regu­la­ting wall con­s­truc­tion that reli­eves sur­face ten­sion in the plaster coa­ting layer.