insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

request a free brochure


Spe­ci­ally deve­loped for our UdiRECO®UdiIN 2CM®UdiSPEED® and UdiFRONT® insu­la­tion systems.


Opti­mised adhe­sion, reten­tion capa­city and stability.

Sui­table for manual and machine mixing/ working.

Fibre rein­forced. Old-white colour tone when dry. Machine-com­pa­tible for con­ti­nuous-flow mixers and spiral pumps. Reliably pre­vents bloo­ming, crack deve­lo­p­ment and discolorations.

The ambient air tem­pe­ra­ture should not be below 5° C.