insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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  • Replaces a con­ven­tional plasterboard
  • Up to 50 % reduc­tion of sound energy
  • Excep­tio­nally cli­mate stabilizing
  • Rafter distances up to 80 cm possible
  • Sui­table for sub­se­quent insu­la­tion in exis­ting buildings
  • Simple, light processing
  • Plea­sant indoor climate

UdiCLIMATE® System is a uni­versal com­ple­men­tary pro­duct for inte­rior fit­tings for roofs, walls and cei­lings. Its spe­cial fea­ture is the com­bi­na­tion of a large number of almost static air layer pil­lars. A spe­cial cli­mate chamber cell struc­ture in com­bi­na­tion with the matching wood fiber insu­la­tion boards enc­loses the res­ting air layer pillars.

This com­bi­na­tion leads to fur­ther sta­bi­liza­tion of an optimal room cli­mate, con­trolled mois­ture trans­port, impro­ve­ment in sound insu­la­tion, thermal insu­la­tion and summer heat pro­tec­tion. The spe­cial chamber struc­ture in com­bi­na­tion with the wood fiber insu­la­tion board creates a very high ben­ding stiff­ness wit­hout the risk of sur­face war­ping. An addi­tional sup­port level is not required.

  • Sub­se­quent insu­la­tion from the inside for wall, cei­ling and roof areas, also roof slopes in inha­bited areas
  • Sub­se­quent roof exten­sion, bridging of rafter distances wit­hout batten construction
  • Effec­tive sound insu­la­tion on walls, cei­lings and roof areas
  • Plan­king of stud walls (metal or wood)
  • Crack bridging in wall, cei­ling and roof areas of constructions


  • Very high ben­ding stiffness
  • Excel­lent sound and heat insulation
  • Cli­mate sta­bi­li­zing – pre­vents the fee­ling of „radia­tion cold“
  • No mold formation
  • Simple, easy pro­ces­sing as one-man board with usual wood­wor­king tools
  • Saves work by dis­pen­sing with addi­tional batten con­s­truc­tion in the roof area
  • Tongue and groove con­nec­tion cir­cum­fe­ren­tial, no war­ping, flying joints
  • Sur­face can be plas­tered, after sur­face rein­force­ment, can be wallpapered
  • Pro­tected by patent

Pro­ces­sing Infor­ma­tion

Cut­ting the insu­la­tion boards to size using stan­dard wood­wor­king tools such as a jigsaw, elec­tric hand saw or foxtail.

After fixing with the UdiCLIMATE® screws, the insu­la­tion board can be directly rein­forced or plas­tered. Screw requi­re­ment: approx. 6 – 9 pcs/m²

Rein­for­cing fil­lers from the UNGER-DIFFUTHERM range are used as sur­face coa­tings. A distinc­tion is made bet­ween UdiGRUNDSPACHTEL® and UdiMULTIGRUND®.

When using an air­tightly bonded vapour con­trol layer, e.g. UdiSTEAM® 10 plus with a variable SD value, the UdiGRUNDSPACHTEL® is used as a sur­face coa­ting in com­bi­na­tion with the UdiARMIERUNG fabric. If a vapour con­trol layer is not required or if its use is not pos­sible for struc­tural reasons, the mineral filler UdiMULTIGRUND® is used in com­bi­na­tion with the UdiARMIERUNG® fabric. This acts as an intel­li­gent vapour bar­rier to limit increased con­den­sa­tion in the construction.

Once the respec­tive rein­for­cing filler has dried, all com­mer­ci­ally available mate­rials such as paint or wall­paper can be applied. The pro­ducts from the UdiLIVE® inte­rior coa­ting system are recommended.