insu­late naturally

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiIN 2CM® SYSTEM slim inte­rior insu­la­tion system

  • Saves space due to slim 2 cm construction
  • For every room, with little space
  • Bridges cracks on all surfaces
  • Easy assembly by gluing
  • No emis­sion of pol­lut­ants, improves air humi­dity and room climate
  • Warm out­side walls in winter, the fee­ling of cold disappears

The inte­rior insu­la­tion made from wood fibres with cli­mate chambers

The UdiIN 2CM® SYSTEM insu­la­tion board is com­prised of a matrix of a multi­tude of cham­bers enclo­sing sta­tio­nary air columns bonded to a capil­lary-active UdiWood-Fibre Insu­la­tion Board. It is notable for its very slim con­s­truc­tion depth of approx. 25 mm. The boards are installed by simply gluing them to the wall using UdiFOUNDATION® COAT. This is also sub­se­quently used, tog­e­ther with UdiREINFORCEMENT® Streng­thening Mesh, to coat the sur­face of the boards. This sur­face can then be wall­pa­pered, painted or tiled. It is also pos­sible to apply addi­tional plaster coa­tings using UdiLIVE® loam or lime plasters.

Due to its high thermal sto­rage capa­city of the wood fibre layer in com­bi­na­tion with the insu­la­ting effect of the sta­tio­nary air columns, the sur­face tem­pe­ra­ture of the UdiIN 2CM® SYSTEM is much higher than a tra­di­tional plas­tered brick wall, for example.

Quick and simple installation

The system can be installed very quickly and with very little effort. It is accom­plished in only a few steps.

Step 1. App­lying the adhe­sive layer

Firstly, check the sta­bi­lity of the sur­face of the sub­strate to be insu­lated. Mix the UdiFOUNDATION® COAT and apply a 6 -8 mm layer directly to the sub­strate using a toothed trowel. The thic­k­ness of the coat may vary depen­ding on the sur­face characteristics.

Step 2. Cut­ting the boards

A wood­wor­king machine, cir­cular saw or jigsaw is recom­mended for cut­ting the UdiIN 2CM® Insu­la­tion Boards to size, but even a craft knife can be used.

Step 3. Instal­ling the boards

The insu­la­tion boards are pressed into the bed of UdiFOUNDATION® COAT using light, uni­form pres­sure. A drying time of around 2 days should be allowed (at normal tem­pe­ra­ture 18° C and 60 % rela­tive humidity).

Step 4. Base coat and rein­for­cing mesh

The sub­se­quent coa­ting of the wood-fibre insu­la­tion boards pro­vides the system with increased sta­bi­lity and per­ma­nent crack coverage. The spe­ci­ally deve­loped rein­for­cing coa­ting UdiFOUNDATION® COAT is applied using a toothed trowel to a minimum depth of 5 mm and the UdiREINFORCEMENT® Streng­thening Mesh is then bedded-in to the coa­ting. This is the base for a durable and crack-free top layer of finis­hing plaster. Now the final step is to apply the top coat using a mate­rial of your choice. It does not matter which one you choose. Loam/clay plaster, loam/clay paint or lime plas­ters and sili­cate paints from the UdiLIVE®-System are espe­ci­ally recom­mended but wall­paper or tiles are also pos­sible. Using this system you can, of course, also reno­vate cei­lings and the inte­rior sur­faces of pit­ched roofs which require renewal. In corner areas (internal and external cor­ners) UdiREINFORCEMENT® Corner Pro­tec­tion Pro­files should also be installed. Alter­na­tively, an exact joint can be formed and then filled with a sui­table, pain­table sealant.


  • Easy instal­la­tion by gluing
  • Bridges cracks
  • Seldom used rooms warm up very quickly
  • Per­cep­tibly warmer exte­rior wall sur­faces in winter
  • Reduces noise levels in the building
  • Quickly installed wit­hout wall plugs/fixings
  • For every room where space is limited
  • Increases the sur­face tem­pe­ra­ture / The sen­sa­tion of cold disappears