insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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  • Inno­va­tive vapour bar­rier that adapts to the humi­dity of the air
  • System solu­tion for UdiTOP® and UdiFLEX®
  • Pro­tec­tion against struc­tural damage and mold
  • Reduc­tion of winter hea­ting losses
  • Improved heat pro­tec­tion in the roof
  • No need for coo­ling devices
  • Extre­mely tear-resistant
  • Com­for­table to install, because translucent

The thermal insu­la­tion sepa­rates the indoor cli­mate from the out­door cli­mate. The tem­pe­ra­ture dif­fe­rence bet­ween the two areas tries to balance itself by air flow. In winter, the warm air from the buil­ding is forced through the con­s­truc­tion into the open air. The air sealing layer pre­vents this flow, the so-called con­vec­tion and thus the loss of warm air to the out­side. At the same time, it ensures that struc­tural damage and mold from con­den­sa­tion in the con­s­truc­tion is avo­ided and enables a com­for­table indoor cli­mate even in summer.

    High-per­for­mance insu­la­ting mate­rials require intel­li­gent air and wind seals

    UdiSTEAM® 10 plus is an inno­va­tive vapour bar­rier that adapts to air humi­dity, is easy to install, trans­lu­cent, extre­mely tear-resistant, mois­ture-regu­la­ting, highly robust and has a variable sd-value (DIN EN 12572/A: 0.25-25 m).
    It can be com­bined with all fib­rous insu­la­tion mate­rials (also blow-in insu­la­tion). Easy to pro­cess due to dimen­sional sta­bi­lity, no spli­cing or tearing.


      The variable sd-value enables the drying of built-in and even wrapped wood (e.g. raf­ters or shut­te­ring tim­bers) even during the uti­liza­tion phase. In prac­tice, woods with exces­sive resi­dual mois­ture are often installed which can be dried out with the mois­ture-active vapour bar­rier  wit­hout causing struc­tural damage.

      The trans­port of mois­ture from inside to out­side through UdiDÄMMSYSTEME® is inten­tional and enhanced by the use of UdiSTEAM® 10 plus, wit­hout the legally required effect of an air and vapour bar­rier being questioned.


      1. Mini­miza­tion of heat loss
      The pro­fes­sional air­tight design of the buil­ding exte­rior mini­mizes trans­mis­sion heat losses.

      2. Pre­ven­tion of struc­tural damage
      Leaks in the buil­ding exte­rior result in heat con­duc­tion bet­ween the warm and cold parts of the buil­ding. The warm air flows into the cold part of the con­s­truc­tion. Mois­ture damage to parts of the buil­ding may occur.

      3. Avo­id­ance of draughts and increase of living com­fort
      In case of leakages, a loss of com­fort may occur (e.g. lea­king outer wall socket at head height behind a couch).