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UdiMI­RALO® Mineral fine qua­lity plaster system


Spe­cial, easy to use rein­force­ment and adhe­sive filler for UdiWood-Fibre Insu­la­tion Boards. Reliably pre­vents bloo­ming, crack deve­lo­p­ment and dis­co­lo­ra­tions. Sui­table for use in the building’s plinth area. The recom­mended con­sump­tion gui­de­lines should be com­plied with.

UdiMIRALO® Mineral Render Primer

A spe­cial, ready-to-use, sur­face primer applied directly to the dry UdiFOUNDATION COAT®. Ensures the uni­form drying of the sur­faces. Also used as a primer layer to equa­lise and improve the absorp­tion and bon­ding cha­rac­te­ristics of the mineral fine qua­lity render.

UdiMIRALO® Mineral Scratch-Finish Plaster

A classic and attrac­tive struc­tured finish con­tai­ning spe­cial, rough-edged gra­nules which pro­vide a beau­tiful scrat­ched-finish tex­ture when struc­tu­ring the sur­face. Ready-to-use struc­tured fine plaster available in white or a range of beau­tiful colours. Highly water vapour dif­fu­sion per­meable to help your walls “breathe”. The appli­ca­tion of a coa­ting of UdiMIRALO® Equa­li­sa­tion Paint is abso­lutely essential.

UdiMIRALO® Mineral Rubbed-Finish Plaster

The same com­pon­ents as the scrat­ched-finish render but with rounded gra­nules to pro­vide a grooved render struc­ture. The appli­ca­tion of a coa­ting of UdiMIRALO® Equa­li­sa­tion Paint is abso­lutely essential.

UdiMIRALO® Mineral Smooth-Finish Plaster

High qua­lity, dry plaster con­tai­ning fine grade marble meal and natural bin­ders. Pro­duces a smooth, Medi­ter­ra­nean style, sur­face finish. Also used for pilas­ters and deco­ra­tive moul­dings. Available in two gra­nu­la­ri­ties < 1.0 mm und < 0.3 mm.

The appli­ca­tion of a coa­ting of UdiMIRALO® Equa­li­sa­tion Paint is abso­lutely essential. 

UdiMIRALO® Equa­li­sa­tion Paint

Wea­ther resistant façade paint as a finis­hing coat for our UdiMIRALO® Fine Qua­lity Plas­ters. This ver­sa­tile paint can be applied to sand­stone, natural stone, sand-lime­s­tone, old ceramic paint, disper­sion paint layers as well as other renders/plasters.

Our UdiMIRALO® Equa­li­sa­tion Paint is coloured accor­ding to our cur­rent UdiCOLOR® SYSTEM. As an addi­tional ser­vice (extra charges may be incurred), it is also pos­sible to pro­vide colour tones from other colour sys­tems (e.g. NCS, RAL etc.). The coverage values stated are depen­dent upon the gra­nu­la­rity, sub­strate, the external tem­pe­ra­ture and the vis­co­sity of the material.