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insulate naturally
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UdiSILANO® Silicon fine quality plaster system

Special, easy to use reinforcement and adhesive filler for UdiWood-Fibre Insulation Boards. Reliably prevents blooming, crack development and discolorations. Suitable for use in the building’s plinth area. The recommended consumption guidelines should be complied with.

UdiSILANO® Silicon Render Primer
A special surface primer applied directly to the dry UdiFOUNDATION COAT®. Ensures the uniform drying of the surfaces. Also used as a primer layer to equalise and improve the absorption and bonding characteristics of the silicon system fine quality plasters.

UdiSILANO® Silicon Scratched-Finish Plaster
This natural, plaster system contains sharp-edged granules to provide a scratch-finish surface texture. Ready-to-use structured fine render available in white or a range of beautiful colours. Highly water vapour diffusion permeable to help your walls “breathe”. For exterior façades subject to intensive wear. Particularly recommended for use in areas subject to severe climatic conditions.

UdiSILANO® Silicon Rubbed-Finish Plaster
The same components as the scratched-finish plaster but with rounded granules to provide a grooved plaster structure. Depending upon the direction of application, the grooves run horizontally, vertically or irregularly.

UdiSILANO Silicon Paint
This high-quality paint is the ideal finishing coat for all silicone plaster surfaces. This extra coating provides a softer surface structure. The product exhibits low levels of surface tension when drying. When dry it is water-repellent, does not fade and is highly weather resistant. It is very easy to apply and remains extremely vapour-permeable when dry.