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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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UdiSPEED® SYSTEM Exte­rior Insu­la­tion System for Timber Constructions

  • Warp-free in long-term behaviour
  • For houses made of wood, such as wooden frame, wooden stand or wooden panel
  • Per­meable construction
  • Sur­face grooves ensure per­ma­nent wood mois­ture balance at 4 cm
  • Minimal waste as it can be used on both sides
  • Good sound insu­la­tion due to high density

UdiSPEED® SYSTEM – The effi­cient wood-fibre insu­la­tion system for timber-frame buildings.

UdiSPEED® is a robust, uni­versal render-bearer board made from natural, stainable wood fibres. The insu­la­tion boards are available in 40 and 60 mm thic­k­nesses. It has been desi­gned for use as a spe­cial, vapour-per­meable clad­ding for façades. In com­bi­na­tion with our Udi Fine Plas­ters, the insu­la­tion system meets all the requi­re­ments for envi­ron­men­tally-fri­endly timber con­s­truc­tions wit­hout vapour bar­riers as well as for the reno­va­tion of pre-fabri­cated houses with external par­ticle boards.

The unique grooved sur­face struc­ture ensures per­ma­nently warp-free sur­face. This pro­duct embo­dies more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence in the area of timber construction.

Instal­la­tion Constructions

The UdiSPEED® SYSTEM was desi­gned as a com­plete system and coor­di­nated in terms of its func­tion­a­lity and dura­bi­lity. To ensure a per­ma­nent insu­la­ting effect, long-term wea­ther pro­tec­tion and optimal wall fixing, the indi­vi­dual access­ories were deve­loped to pro­duce a com­plete system solu­tion. This com­bi­na­tion has proven itself through its con­sis­tent, high pro­duct qua­lity. Fur­ther decisive fac­tors are the prac­tical instal­la­tion details. Working tog­e­ther with pro­fes­sio­nally trained and licensed spe­cia­lists and tradesmen we have deve­loped solu­tions and the related access­ories for all areas from the cellar to the roof. Don’t take any risks with your façade insulation.


Step 1. Moun­ting and fixing

Begin­ning from the bottom to the top, the wood-fibre boards are mounted to the level sur­face of the sub­strate so that the joints are offset. They are then secured using our UdiASSEMBLY SDH RECO® system fixings to pro­vide a per­ma­nent and storm-proof fix­ture. This pro­vides the wall with a com­ple­tely wind-proof clad­ding. The lower edge is formed with a plinth reveal and sealed using our UdiBASE® Plinth Pro­file System. An appro­priate water-resistant insu­la­tion is employed in the rain­water splash zone of the plinth.

Step 2. Base coat and rein­for­cing mesh

The sub­se­quent coa­ting of the wood-fibre insu­la­tion boards pro­vides the system with increased external sta­bi­lity, per­ma­nent crack coverage and wea­ther pro­tec­tion. The spe­ci­ally deve­loped rein­for­cing coa­ting UdiFOUNDATION® COAT is applied using a toothed trowel to a minimum depth of 5 mm and the UdiREINFORCEMENT® Streng­thening Mesh is then bedded-in to the coa­ting. This is the base for a durable and crack-free top layer of finis­hing plaster.

Step 3. Pri­ming the plaster top coat

Depen­ding on the type of finis­hing plaster system that has been chosen, the appro­priate render primer is applied, by rol­ling or spraying, across the whole sur­face of the UdiFOUNDATION® COAT to ensure that the finis­hing coat adheres pro­perly to the base coat.

Step 4. App­lying the finis­hing plaster

The scratch-finish, rubbed-finish or smooth-finish plaster is then applied to the dry sur­face and is then struc­tured accor­ding to the chosen gra­nu­la­rity and design pre­fe­rence. This pro­vides a per­ma­nent, wea­ther-resistant sur­face. We offer a wide range of high-qua­lity fine plasters:

  • UdiPERL® – STRUCTURED FINE QUALITY PLASTER with 15 year gua­rantee package.

Addi­tional paint coa­tings are recom­mended but, with the excep­tion of the UdiMIRALO® System, not abso­lutely necessary.