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insu­late naturally

Dis­cover forest cli­mate at home

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Envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly prin­ting papers “ Blauer Engel“

Udi­DÄMM­SYS­TEME prints exclu­si­vely on recy­cled paper from the „Blauer Engel“

Hard con­di­tions for pol­lutant emis­sion and water pol­lu­tion as well as for energy, water and che­mical con­sump­tion must be com­plied with in order to bear the logo of the Blue Angel. Recy­cled papers, unlike fresh fiber pro­ducts, are gene­rally not offered in dis­coun­ters or at spe­cial prices. They are even more expen­sive than fresh fiber pro­ducts of similar quality.

Why is recy­cled paper with the Blue Angel better for the envi­ron­ment?

  • paper with the Blue Angel con­sists of 100 per­cent recy­cled paper. That spares our forests. Every fifth tree felled world­wide is used for papermaking.
  • forests store CO2 and are the­r­e­fore important for cli­mate pro­tec­tion. At the same time, the habitat of many ani­mals and plants is preserved.
  • recy­cled paper saves CO2, because pulp from other count­ries has to be imported for virgin fiber paper – CO2 is emitted during transportation.
  • the pro­duc­tion of recy­cled paper saves up to 70 per­cent water and 60 per­cent energy com­pared to virgin fiber paper.
  • the Blue Angel gua­ran­tees that no harmful che­mi­cals or optical brigh­teners are added to the paper during manufacture.
  • about 90 per­cent of the paper has a short life and ends up in waste after a short usage.


Bene­fits for the envi­ron­ment and health

  • Con­ser­va­tion of resources due to high waste paper content
  • Reduc­tion of waste by recy­cling waste paper with pro­por­tio­nate use of virgin fibers
  • only use of wood from sus­tain­ably managed forests